Bubbly! Cheers!

Bubbly!  Cheers!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Chuckle Buddy

Seriously…. everyone should have a chuckle buddy. This little monkey can brighten my day instantly. I first saw him in the Dallas airport and didn’t have room in my bag to buy him. I found him again at a toy store in Palm Springs. His laugh just puts me in a good mood no matter what. When I first got him, I had an injury on my face (long, clumsy story). Anyway, I had put a Band-Aid on my face (upper lip to be exact) to keep the sun off of it. I looked like a fool and was walking towards my husband’s office to show him how stupid I looked. On my way, my little chuckle buddy caught a glimpse of me from across the room and started cracking up (at the Band-Aid mustache on my face of course). It stopped me dead in my tracks and I about died laughing with him - we’re talking tears here – I was laughing that hard. He was way out of range (he has a sensor that goes off if you are within a certain distance from him) so it was totally unexpected. I went from grumpy to giddy in an instant. He reminds me not to take life too seriously and that it is okay to just laugh to lighten the mood. He has been well worth his $20 price tag in his ability to make me smile and relax. For fun, I actually just left a voicemail for my Dad at work with only the monkey laughing. He will crack up. See, I can spread joy and laughter! Watch this video and he will brighten your day too. Happy chuckles!

Update - I spoke to my Dad and the belly laugh on his voicemail when he got into work made him "laugh his a** off." Ha, ha - I love it! Also wanted to throw a disclaimer out there that the monkey video is the first video I've ever taken so hopefully my videography skills will get better.

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