Bubbly! Cheers!

Bubbly!  Cheers!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

2014 Resolutions

Well, it is a new year and a whole new decade for me.  I always think the start of a new year is a good time to reflect on some new goals.  If I had to pick a word for the year, it would be INVEST.  I'm not talking financially; I want to invest in myself.  My happiness, well-being, and future.   

In no particular order, here is what I have decided to focus on in 2014 (and beyond).

Stretch More – My body is tight.  Clarification, my muscles are tight.  I really need to stretch more and hop on the foam roller more frequently. 

Hello flexible Penelope, nice to meet you. 

Dog Training – I want to teach my dogs new tricks.  I’m going to have a goal of 6 new things to teach them in 2014; in addition to practicing and perfecting the old things.


Be in the Moment – I need to be present in the moment that I am in – not in the past, not in the future, not in a Facebook post, not thinking about my To Do list, etc... – I want to be planted fully in the moments I experience.

Eat more fruit, veggies, and fish – I try and try, but I need to try harder.  Maybe being in a more tropical environment would help with this?  Hey, a girl can dream can’t she?   Maybe eating more fruits, veggies, and fish will make me feel like I'm somewhere tropical.  I’ll go with that (for now).


Invest in my Relationships – I always strive to be a good friend, daughter, sister, wife, worker, cousin, granddaughter, niece, etc.   But I really want to invest the time and really focus in on the relationships that are important to me.  And maybe let some of the one relationships that aren’t so important fade away.   Which is super hard for me to say but there are some relationships that drain my energy and just aren’t worth it; especially the ones where I feel like I put in way more effort than what I am getting back.  Life is just too short for that.

Accessorize Better and More Often – This one is inspired by my 94-year old grandmother - she is the best accessorized woman I’ve ever met.   She always looks cute and well put together.   I get a little lazy working from home and tend to wear leisure wear too often.   I need to make an effort to wear my cute clothes and accessories and get out a little more (coffee shops and lunch dates).  

Make a new recipe every week - That is 52 new recipes.  My friend Michelle encourages her friends to do a 52-recipe challenge every year and I usually start out okay and then I get lazy.   Sometimes I’m just lazy about posting and other times I’m just lazy about trying something new.   This one should not be difficult for me as I love to try new recipes – I just need to make it priority. 

Dance More – I love dancing and I love letting loose with my friends.  I really need to shake my groove thing more often.   Hmmm… Maybe I should even give Zumba another try?  Maybe.

Write More – I love to write.  It is a great creative outlet for me.   I need to update my blogs more and maybe start on one of the three books I have swirling in my head.  Now’s the time!  After turning 40 in December, I realized that I really am not getting any younger and I really do need to utilize the time I have wisely.  Seriously, what am I waiting for?  

Travel More – I feel like I used to travel all the time and I need to get back to that.  I want to travel with purpose, such as strengthening relationships and creating memories.   And to escape the Minnesota winter.  I just booked a trip to Austin, TX so I'm off to a good start.

Stop Procrastinating – I don’t know how I became a procrastinator.  I think it is partially because I get distracted by, and interested in, so many things that I have trouble prioritizing.  However, I don’t seem to have any trouble prioritizing all of the fun things first.   My Dad recently told me that my Grandpa Frohardt had a saying of “why do it today, when you can put it off until tomorrow.”  I’m guessing I have a little bit of that in my genes so it isn’t entirely my fault.  And I do work well under pressure and deadlines.  But still, why not just do it now and not have to worry about it later.  Right? Right?

Study Buddhism – I’ve been intrigued by the Buddhist practice for years.   And there is a Zen Center less than a mile from my house.  It is time to learn more about it and dip my toes into the water of enlightenment. 

That is probably plenty for now, although I’m sure I could go on and on…..

I declare that this is the decade of Penelope at her best!     


PS – I couldn’t find any documented resolutions from last year but I found mine for 2012 and it turns out they are very similar.   I guess if anything I am consistent and know what I want to/need to improve on.   My 2012 resolutions: http://livelearnanddrinkwine.blogspot.com/2012_01_01_archive.html


  1. Love this! Such great resolutions and way to be so public about them. I really love (but unsure I could do this part) of investing in relationships "And maybe let some of the one relationships that aren’t so important fade away." I just hope I am not on the short list of those you stop talking to;)

  2. Heather, you most definitely are not on my list of relationships to fade away. You are on my list to drag dancing! Ha! Cheers to getting together more often in the new year and drinking bubbles.
