Bubbly! Cheers!

Bubbly!  Cheers!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Resolutions 2012

Well it is a New Year and time for a new set of goals.    I’m sure I couple keep adding to this list but figured I better post it before I get carried away.   

  • Eat more fish. I love fish and need to make it more often.  Plus, it is good for you.
  • Eat less processed foods.   I need fresh, homemade food in my life.  
  • Make new recipes out of my cookbooks.   I have so many cookbooks and rarely cook any recipes out of them.  If I try a new recipe it is usually one I ripped out of a magazine or saw online.  Time to go “old school.”
  • Take more people photos.   I take a lot of food photos and forget to take photos of the people eating it.   I also need to do a better job of keeping up with my photos on a monthly basis (posting and sharing).
  • Learn to use the settings on my camera.   This is an embarrassing one as it has been on my list before.   I have some mental block or something when it comes to getting my camera off of auto.  Seriously, I need to learn everything my camera can offer.  There are some awesome photos to be had.
  • Live in the moment.   I need to enjoy the moment as it is happening.   I need to relax and focus.   Sometimes I get caught up and distracted by things I should be doing, forgot to do, or need to do and forget to just enjoy the moment I am in.
  • Listen.  Like the above comment, I have a lot going on in my head and I find myself only half listening sometimes.  I need to give people my undivided attention.  
  • Speak up.  The flip side of listening is to speak up and communicate better.   I need to open up more when something is on my mind.  I tend to keep my mouth shut to keep the peace but I’ve learned that in the end that doesn’t do anyone any good and usually can escalate the situation.   
  • Multi-task less.  Don’t get me wrong, I am the ultimate multi-tasker, but I have so many projects going on that I wonder why I can’t anything done.  Well, I need to focus on one task at a time and finish before I start something else.   How nice will it feel to start crossing things off the list rather than having several open-ended things going on at once.  I think there is a theme emerging here….
  • Wear more lingerie (sorry Mom).   I think it will make me feel pretty, sexy, and confident.  (And hopefully mu husband will think so too.)  
  • Stretch more.   Not ready to commit to the yoga word but I certainly do need to stretch more.   I’m going to start with a goal of one day a week, even though I should really be doing it daily.  Baby steps.
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff.  I need to stop stressing over things that are out of my control.  No more sleepless nights.
  • Read more books.   I get overwhelmed by my magazine pile and tend to read those first, but because it is a never-ending pile I never get to my book pile.   I need to start balancing out the books and the magazines and let go of some of my magazine subscriptions.  
  • Network.  I used to be a master networker back in the day (gosh that makes me sound old) and I’ve kind of gotten lazy.  I need to get back out there and expand my network.   After all, I love meeting new people and who knows what opportunities might open up.   
I am going to try to check in with my goals at the end of every month to see how I’m doing.   I’m hoping to not let these fizzle out as the year goes on.   Wish me luck.

What are your New Year resolutions or goals?  Talk to me…..