Bubbly! Cheers!

Bubbly!  Cheers!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Next up? Photography.

I’m always trying to learn and challenge myself.  As I get older, I’m trying to hone the skills that I will be able to use forever.   For example, one day I decided that I would definitely be drinking wine for the rest of my life and thought that I should learn more about it so I could enjoy the experience that much more.   As a result, I enrolled in the International Sommelier Guild classes and became a certified sommelier.   The same goes for food.  I will definitely be eating for the rest of my life and love to challenge myself everyday with new techniques, recipes, and ingredients.   Even though, I have always enjoyed cooking (and thought I was pretty good at it), I did indeed sign up for cooking school a few years ago to take it up a notch.   While I eventually dropped out (yep, I’m a cooking school drop out) I learned some new skills and gained a lot more confidence as far as not being afraid to try anything. I use recipes as only a guide; it is so much more fun to play around.  A pinch of this, a dash of that…….

I definitely have a passion for food and wine.   My other love that ties this all together is travel.  I love to explore new places; I spend many hours researching the foods and wines of an area.   In addition, I’ve also always been somewhat of a photo freak (I have a bookcase full of photo albums to prove it).    Since I plan to be eating, drinking wine, and traveling for many years to come, I need to hone my documentation skills.  Yep, time to step up the photography skills.    I came across this website this morning and am wondering why my food photos don’t look like this?   

Well, now I have a new goal.   I hope within the next year we will all see a noticeable difference in my photos.    I have the fancy camera, now it is time to get it off “auto” and explore the settings and many possibilities that await.   

I am now enrolled in my first photography class and can’t wait!   


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Inspirational Blog

So, I was in a “French Picnic” cooking class a few weeks ago at Whole Foods.   It was a great class; I loved the instructor, there was lots of food, the recipes were great and do-able, they keep the class size to 10, and it was only $30.   I’ve taken lots of cooking classes in the Twin Cities and this one really impressed me.  (So much so that I signed up for two more.)    Anyway, to get to my point….. During class there was a woman taking lots of photos and it came up that she was taking photos for her blog.   I wrote down her blog and when I later went to look at it, I was in awe!

Move over Martha Stewart, Jenna has got you beat!    In addition to admiring the beautiful photos, I can’t help but want to throw a festive party (and maybe take a photography class as well).  I found lots of inspiration on this site; the ideas are very creative and fun, not to mention beautiful.    Just try to go to this site and not want to throw a party yourself.  Either that or try to find a way onto the guest list for one of her fabulous parties.

Let me know what you think, and if you get inspired - I want an invite!  

Monday, August 2, 2010

Parmesan from Australia?

I recently found parmesan from Australia.   I did a double take, as parmesan and Australia are not words I would put normally together.   My curiosity got the best of me and I had to try it.    I have to admit, I really liked it.    It was crisp and nutty and I loved the texture.    I will definitely be looking for the kangaroo in the cheese aisle again; it is a reasonable alternative to Italy’s Parmigiano-Reggiano (which I love).   Check it out!