Bubbly! Cheers!

Bubbly!  Cheers!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Fearless Females

I may have mentioned that I am in the process of cleaning out things; boxes, drawers, files, etc…

Well, I just came across an article that I ripped out of Cosmo in March 2011.  Cosmopolitan?  I haven’t read Cosmo in ages so I’m thinking it was a magazine that someone left on the plane or at the doctor’s office that I must’ve picked up or something.   Even more surprising is that I found an article interesting enough to rip out and highlight; yep – I actually highlighted a few sentences!

As I reread it to see what caught my eye in the first place I realized it was the author’s self-confidence and a good reminder to women to not be so hard on ourselves.  

This is what I highlighted:

People have different tastes.  But everyone is drawn to confidence, if it’s real.

I have never thought. What is wrong with me? I always think, What is wrong with you?

I’m not a traffic-stopping model or the smartest person in the room.  The more you get to know me, the prettier I become.  In my stand-up comedy act, I have a joke: “I know what I look like.  You’d bang me, but you wouldn’t blog about it.” 

My real beauty lies in my humor, my strength; the kind of sister, daughter, and friend I am.  But more than anything, it lies in my ability to truly not give a shit what anyone things of me because I know what I think. 

I still stand in front of the mirror sometimes with doubts.  But even on my worst day, when I’m feeling awful, I smile and say, “You’re doing the best you can.  Good job, bitch!”

How refreshing.  Seriously.  I found it to be a good reminder to just do the best you can and embrace that and be confident in it.   What you think is really the most important thing.  If you are happy then that is what counts and it counts for a lot.  Accept your faults and highlight your strengths.   Strive to be the best friend, daughter, wife, sister, person, you can be.  


FYI - The article was titled “How to be Ballsy – in Any Situation.”  Written by stand-up comic Amy Schumer.  

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