Bubbly! Cheers!

Bubbly!  Cheers!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

First Impressions

Disclaimer:  I'll have to warn you that I am cleaning up two old computers; which can be interesting to say the least. I have come across miscellaneous things that I have written over the years and thought this would be a good place to put them.  I started a lot of different articles and then never pitched them anywhere (bad girl).   I will be posting them here for your reading enjoyment.  

First Impressions

As they say, “you never get a second chance to make a first impression.”   I’m not exactly sure who "they" are?  I actually think that saying came from a deodorant commercial.   Nonetheless, it is, for the most part, true.  When someone meets you for the first time they are judging you based on all kinds of factors, such as:

Dress.  Are you a good or a bad dresser?    Do you dress conservatively, trendy, or sloppy?

Eye contact.  Do you meet their gaze or look away?

Hygiene.   Are you clean?   Do you have bad breath?   Did you wash and comb your hair?

Manners.   Are you rude or polite?  

Behavior.  Are you drunk?   Do you swear like a truck driver?  Are you loud and obnoxious?  Do you act like a know-it all?  Are you evasive?  

Posture.  Do you stand up straight or do you slouch?

Intelligence.   Can you carry on a conversation well?  Do you have good grammar?

Body language.   Do your movements and gestures express how you feel?

People can decide whether or not they like you within five minutes of meeting you.  They are watching and if they don’t like what they see, that impression is bound to last.   That’s why it’s very important to make sure you figure out how you want people to perceive you, and act accordingly.  Let people see your benefits; the more you have to offer the more friends you’ll have and the more your company will be in demand.

Tips on how to make a good first impression:

Learn to see yourself as others see you.  Don’t assume that others see you as you see yourself.  You may think that you’re the cats meow but you have to prove that to others.

Know your audience.   You obviously want to make a different impression on the different types of people you encounter.   For example, you want to make a different impression during a job interview than you want to make on a first date.   What may impress a potential employer will probably not impress your date and vice versa.

Handshake and greeting.  Initiate the handshake and make it firm.   Introduce yourself and repeat their name by saying “Nice to meet you Tom.”  

Smile.   Smiling makes you appear warm and friendly.  Smile often.

Talk clearly.   Don't mumble.  

Make eye contact.   Making eye contact makes you appear confident; avoiding eye contact makes you appear shy and insecure.

Stand up straight.  Good and bad posture can bee seen across the room.   Standing up straight shows confidence and slouching is makes you seem insecure and uncomfortable. 

Be enthusiastic.  Studies show that enthusiastic people are better liked, more trusted, thought to be more capable and capture the attention of their audiences more effectively.

Ask questions.  It shows that you are interested in getting to know someone.

Listen.  I mean, really listen.  Asking questions is only part of the equation; people want to feel heard.  

Make comments and participate.  Share your point of view with others and engage in conversation.

Offer compliments.  People love when you notice positive things about them.

Be sincere.  Sincerity is transparent, if you aren’t sincere people will see through it.

Disclose information about yourself.  Be open with your opinions and let people get a sense of who you are. On the flip side, don't force your opinions on people.  Make sure it flows with the conversation, and if your opinion is radical or could cause tension it might be a good idea to keep it to yourself.     

If you keep these tips in mind your bound to make a good impression on everyone you encounter.   

Good luck!