Bubbly! Cheers!

Bubbly!  Cheers!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

My Dad!

What can I say, I am sentimental and tend to hold onto things for a very long time.   My husband gives me a hard time for being somewhat of a “pack rat.”    I’m trying to get better about letting go of some things and have started going through boxes to pitch things.   Well, this summer I was going through some college papers.  It was fund to read them and see what frame of mind I was in back then and how much my writing has evolved (i.e. improved).    In my college freshman writing binder, I came across a poem that I wrote for a class assignment.  I wrote it about my Dad.    I’m glad that I found it and that it didn’t get thrown away.    The timing of finding was perfect as his 60th birthday was in Aug. and I read it outloud at his birthday celebration.   And now I’m sharing it with you. 

This is from my first semester, freshman year in college (1992).   It was typed on a word processor and printed on that paper the was serrated with the holes on the side that you had to tear off (remember that, when paper didn’t come in individual sheets and it was a continuous roll?).  Crazy!


I wish I could be like my Dad,
he is such a great lad.

He’s successful in every way,
and knows exactly how to brighten my day.

I was the first daughter born,
in the state of corn.

I inherited his traits,
which helps me get dates.

I’ve put him through a lot of stress,
and tried to teach him how to dress.

His sense of humor is kind of strange,
yet he always comes through when I need pocket change.

When I need to talk,
he’s always there to offer a walk.

He’s a great cook with all recipes,
my hungry stomach he does please.  

He can handle any situation,
even in this time of inflation.

His views should not be ignored,
he is a man who deserves to be adored. 

He has taught me a heck of a lot,
ever since I was a little tot.

My Dad makes me so proud,
I want to scream it outloud.

He is looked up to,
and always follows through.

He always understands where I’m coming from,
and never tries to make me feel dumb.

He means the world to me,
I hope this is something he can clearly see.

I want to thank my Dad for everything he’s done,
to me, he is definitely number one!

My Dad and Me in 1992